TV: Industry contexts
Q1: The article suggests the traditional audience for foreign-language subtitled media would have typically been described as 'quietly declared pretentious, dull and, possibly, a little odd.'. Q2: He suggests that 'until the mid-Noughties, foreign language programming' was the equivalent the channels were 'restaurants who had put a special on the board'. However, ' Walter Presents makes the specials board the main offering – so you can't play safe with the televisual equivalent of a cottage pie.' Essentially, he suggests that his streaming service focuses on what has previously been seen as a very niche section of TV, and in a way makes it mainstream. Q3: The article suggests that in the multi-screen age, we're frequently distracted by notifications and messages that appear, while subtitles are 'a welcome enforcement for us to focus' as the viewer has to be extremely concentrated and engaged in order to not miss any of the subtitle...