
Film industry: regulation BBFC

  1) Research the   BBFC  in more detail: what is the institution responsible for? How is it funded? What link does it have to government? This   history of the BBFC page   may help. The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) is independent, non-governmental and not-for-profit, and has had the responsibility of  classifying films since 1912, video tapes and discs since 1985, and more recently, online content . 2) Read this  BBFC guide to how films are rated . Summarise the process in 50 words. Suitable for all. Parental guidance. Cinema release suitable for 12 years and over. Video release suitable for 12 years and over. Suitable only for 15 years and over. Suitable only for adults. Adults works for licensed premises only. 3) Read this  BBFC section on landmark decisions . Why did The Dark Knight generate a large amount of media coverage regarding its certificate? Do you agree with the 12A certificate The Dark Knight was awarded? The BBFC's decision to award  The Dark Knight  

Preliminary production Learner response:

WWW:  Good concept Effective narrative -Two locations  -Contrast well Some good framing Good cinematography and editing ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EBI:  Embed videos More detailed research( analyse media language) More detailed shot list More cutting back to bed Lighting needs to be more prevalent Some shots too long( Add more editing and more surreal) Export quality/resolution 3) How effectively did you complete the objective you laid out in your mini preliminary exercise  statement of intent ? I believe I set out to create a music video with good knowledge of locations camerawork and actors. Perhaps I should've done more research on the lighting of the music video which can confuse or nauseate the audience which is not what I intended. 4) What have you  learned  from the preliminary exercise that will help you in the actual coursework project? . I should add a variety of shots, more contra

Film Industry: British film industry factsheets

  Use our brilliant Media Factsheet archive  on the M: drive Media Shared (M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets)  to find Media Factsheet  #132  on  British Film . You can  find it online here - you'll need to log in using your Greenford Google login .  Read the whole of Factsheet and answer the following questions:   1) Write a one-sentence definition of what makes a film British. There are certain criteria you have to look at to determinates what makes a film British. for example if it is made by British directors of it the cast is British but mostly I think what makes a film British is if it is about British culture. 2) What is the difference between a Hollywood production context and production context of a British film? Most films made by Hollywood studios have high budgets, a heavy reliance on celebrities both in the cast and crew and spectacle driven stories. On the other hand British films can very as the can be high budget with popular characters like Harry Potter or they

TV index

 Tv index: TV: Introduction to TV Drama TV: Capital case study 1 AND 2 TV: Capital - Marxism and Hegemony TV: Industry contexts TV: Postmodernism and Deutschland 83 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Media awards videos

Media awards video:  The intuition by Sopiga was one my favourite productions shown in the media awards ceremony. I love the tension and suspense that she created by using the music as a form of intimidation and worry. It demonstrates how significant the music is in filming something. It can set the tone and atmosphere. Another project was the "The lurking cow" by Leila the sound that was non diagetic created fear and suspense to the audience. This lighting for the audience was also really important they used the natural lighting outside which isn't a bad idea but perhaps something more creative can be used. I like the close up of the faces. The facial expressions especially Those two videos stuck to me after a watch of the films Although many of them were really good at entertaining the audience.

Radio Index

  Radio: Introduction to radio Radio:BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat Radio: War of the worlds CSP   1) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Coursework: Preliminary exercise 2024

  Coursework: Preliminary exercise 2024 Q1) The song I will be using is the famous song "Let It Happen" by Tame Impala. Q2)Music video 1:   On “Breathe Deeper,” Kevin considers stressful and negative situations, how deep breathing can help with staying calm and making it through the situation. It is very typical of the indie genre and is a very calming music video   Tame impala made this music video using animations specifically a CGI dragonfly that flies across the scene as we cut to many animated shot of the dragonfly moving across terrain. Tracking shots of the dragonfly moving across the terrain. The editing adds this sort of affect to the video making it seem nauseous and confusing to decipher. Music video 2: Higher Power " is a song by British rock  band Cold play. In the music video we can see the insane use of VFX and powerful editing as we can see the main actor in casual clothing, no makeup and no props. However we see the setting as we get a sideways shot foll