Statement of Intent Draft 2:

 Statement of intent draft 2:

Statement of intent: The music video i will be doing is titled "Fight fire with fire" . It is inspired by the famous indie group "Tame impala" . The title of the song that inspired my music video is " Let it happen" and the song will be used in the music video. In the music video the message that i want to convey is resilience triumphs over anxiety. The act of not giving up by pressing through the situation. Throughout the music video the themes I want to represent is confidence and resilience. The genre is "Indie" which focuses on mental health and the problems which surround it.

The so called band I have created is called "SOLIDER" it mixes with the theme of confidence and fighting through the problems just like real life soldiers do. My two locations will be consist of my some shots of me in my house and a long field of grass to set the tone as I traverse through the field. The other location is a park which will mostly consist of the concrete football field where most of the music video will be. The idea for these locations is to first traverse through the field of grass then arrive at the football field. 

The shots will consist of close up shots of my visible frustration and stress building in my face as the music builds up (Tame impala is famous for its build up of the song and the final beat that makes it a masterpiece). Other shots will be far away shots of the football field as i shoot the ball to full demonstrate what I am doing which is kicking the ball and missing it followed by close up shots of my face as I get angrier and angrier. The indie genre mainly focuses on mental health and the effects it has on the average human so it is my objective to try and explain its depth and complexity. The lighting will be mostly low key as it demonstrates to the audience the bleak atmosphere that I create in the music video and how it will gradually get lifted as I understand the feeling of accepting and moving on. I will use Todorov's narrative theory. First the equilibrium then the disequilibrium and then the new equilibrium. Audience pleasures in order for my audience to enjoy it and I must start emphasising and identifying with characters or content represented in them and make it seem relatable rather than distant to grow that sense of connection and enjoyment.

My target audience will mostly be young people who struggle and are stressed in their life they have built up anxiety and stress over time. I will demonstrate that feeling through me shooting the ball and constantly missing which angers and frustrates me. The class will be low to middle working class as shown in the music video I go to public school, live in a normal house which is what will be shown.

My footwear brand "Clarks" which is a shop that mostly has working class customers which is the message I want to convey to my audience.


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