TV: Capital - Marxism and Hegemony

 Q1: It paints the immigrant in a good light and as hard-working resilient and strong making us feel sympathetic for the Quintina. Conservatives don't really like illegal immigrants so it is far left.

Q2: "The hardest worker on the street was an illegal immigrant" I agree she truly was working the hardest and due to that we felt more compelled by her story rather than others."Capital started with an intriguing idea" I also agree the concept was cool seeing all these different POVs was interesting, especially with all their reactions to the ominous cards.

Q3: The cards saying we want you to directly oppose the capitalistic standards, and support the far-left ideology.

Q4:  The banker and his co-worker believe that the more hard and profitable work you do the more money you shall earn no matter how unfair it is.

Q5:Marxist approaches to power focus on its relation to class domination in capitalist societies.

Q6: The Apprentice features many characters and plots that make it a good example of reinforcing capitalist values and ideologies. Firstly, Lord Alan Sugar is the superior character in the TV show. The contestants are ultimately trying to win the show in order to work with him or be offered a well-paid job by him. He is the key to their survival. The fact that he is entitled to all this power and is essentially in control of the contestants reinforces Marxism theory and capitalist values and ideologies. He is even nicknamed "Lord Sugar" which is crazy.

Q7: Shameless, Desperate Scousewives.

Q8:Not many of these bullet points can be applied to Capital. Capital challenges the values of capitalism. Instead of showing the values of the power elite as beneficial to the masses, capitalism does the opposite. Roger's company is shown to earn millions and millions of pounds but none of this money is used to help the masses. Instead, the money is used to help one of the company's subsidiaries abroad. However, we could apply 'show the values of the power elite as being ‘for the good of the masses’' to Capital. When the residents of Pepys Road start receiving the 'WE WANT WHAT YOU HAVE' postcards, they turn to the police for help (which are a government organization and are therefore part of the elite). The police try to help them which would mean that this part of Capital supports capitalist ideologies.


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