WWW: Some knowledg eof media industry(conglomerates,etc)
EBI: More detailed knowledge of the CSP needed.
11/18 Below AUPS(B)
Question 1: 2/3
Question 2: 6/6
Question 3: 3/9
I have missed out on 7 marks out of the 18 and most of them came from question 3 which was average compared to the other two questions.
Mobile advertising is a way to implement the film into an audience its somewhat expensive and may be used to push trailers they're mostly used on YouTube,Tiktok and other social networks.
The risk of creating a media product is that you have to diversify in order to bring in an wider audience however it can backfire and will earn you lost revenue which is bad for the media company and makes for a risky business. Commodification, this method might be profitable but it creates problem trying to produce the product and get customers to consume in order to earn a profit and that's where other factors like vertical and horizontal integration come in hand.Such a complex structure which is why so many new businesses fail.
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