Q1:A serial is a television show which has a continuous plot that unfolds in sequential episode-by-episode fashion . Q2: ABC Avengers, Danger Man, The Sweeny, and The Minder are all examples of TV drama from the factsheet. I feel like media has evolved with its audience and their beliefs mostly starting to try and show lesser minorities or representation of certain communities. Q3: Settings influence the plot tremendously, are part of it, create an atmosphere, and complete the picture . Q4: Most TV dramas have a large ensemble cast – a range of characters. These characters are often stereotypical – communicating a lot to the audience quickly. Often recognizable and relatable – giving audiences the pleasure of identification and an ongoing 'relationship' : we keep watching to find out what happens to them. Q5: The narrative structure in television programmes and movies does not always follow one storyline. This happens most often in Soap o...
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