Music Rough cut - (LR)


-Match on action




-Finger shooting section

-Matching shot

-Narrative element

-Typography at the end



-Faster editing

-Different colour grading + Post production effects

-More locations(Daytime sections)

-Shoe branding

-Visual bridges(match on action)

-Tighter editing

- Blood looks red

-Filming-up into the sky


-No credit scene

Next Steps

I plan on re-shooting some of the shots that were in the music video. Some were too slow which means faster and more quicker edits/footage to re-shoot. Some were too dark and the audience could not see that is a very basic mistake to make so I plan on having better lighting.

Overall I am happy with my concept but that concept can further be developed with the increase in quality of the music video both literally and via camera work. A lot needs to be done to improve this.I have watched some of the other music videos and a consistent theme was the quick and fast pace editing which impressed me a lot. It felt like a real and properly produced music video. That is what I will add to my music video.


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